Project Description
At the core of Eight Mile in Detroit with an eye to the future, this exciting people-centered development was created to spur change in the city. Bringing will, grit, pride, vibrancy, and passion together, OAKTOWN is to be a place for growing forward. It is a community that empowers and unites. It is at once a home and a destination - harnessing connection, culture, wellness, and creativity. It is an engine for innovation, equity, economic growth, and opportunity. It is a place beyond the baseline – fueling, sustaining, thriving off the momentum of one another. OAKTOWN is a vision created together – achieving for today, for tomorrow, and for generations to come.
This project is a community impact project to bring some new economic energy to the Detroit area. The developer wanted to create an exciting presentation for the Michigan officials and stakeholders. It included a full animation video, VR scenes, & interior and exterior visualization to showcase what the development will look like when it’s built.

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